The local database copy experienced an index corruption

Sometimes after unexpected server reboot or network downtime you can see following error in eventlog on Exchange 2010 Server:

At ‘16.02.2011 02:55:34’ the Microsoft Exchange Information Store Database ‘ExDB’ copy on this server experienced a corrupted search catalog. The error returned by failover was “Couldn’t perform the database failover.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        ExchangeStoreDB
Date:          16.02.2011 02:25:04
Event ID:      222
Task Category: Database recovery
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic

To resolve this issue you should  rebuild the full-text index catalog on one database and reseed the content index catalog. You can use following script to correct this error.

write-host “Clean Index  on all Exchange Mailbox Servers…”
Get-MailboxServer | Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus |  Where {$_.ContentIndexState -eq “Failed”} | Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy

$input=read-host(” Would you like to redistribute Databases based on preferences Y or N:”)
if ($input -eq “Y” -OR $input -eq “y”)
cd $exscripts
RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 -DagName $DAG -BalanceDbsByActivationPreference
write-host “Done…”

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